Kick ICE Out of the Public Interest Law Center Career Fair

February 4th, 2025

The Association of Legal Advocates and Attorneys, UAW Local 2325, and Legal Services Staff Association, UAW Local 2320, call upon New York University to uninvite and ban representatives of Immigrations and Customs Enforcement from participating in this year’s Public Interest Law Center career fair. We likewise call upon all employers of ALAA and LSSA members - including, but not limited to, Legal Services NYC, the Legal Aid Society, Bronx Defenders, Brooklyn Defender Services, and the New York Legal Assistance Group - to refrain from participating in the PILC career fair so long as it includes ICE.

ALAA and LSSA represent more than 3,500 public interest legal services workers across more than 30 offices representing working class and underprivileged people in New York City and beyond. Our members defend immigrant communities every day from the violence inflicted by ICE raids, arrest, and deportation.

A career at ICE is not a career in the public interest. It is a career dedicated to terrorizing and alienating immigrants and people of color.

The employers of ALAA and LSSA members claim to stand in solidarity with immigrant communities and against ICE’s abusive practices. They should fulfill that commitment by demanding that NYU rescind its invitation to ICE and bar its participation in any future PILC fairs.


Resolution to Stand Up Against Attacks on Immigrants and to Support Equal Rights for All Workers in the United States


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